シンリョウ ノート 2 コウケツアツ ノ エッセンス


高血圧は、脳卒中・心筋梗塞・心不全・末梢動脈疾患・慢性腎臓病などの心血管病の主要な危険因子であり、血圧の変動は、高血圧患者の予後と密接に関連している。血圧を正しく診断するには、医療機関での血圧の測定に加え、自己家庭血圧の測定が必要である。これにより白衣高血圧・仮面高血圧・早朝高血圧の診断や、降圧薬の過剰投与、不十分な降圧の評価などが可能となる。また、高血圧に伴う動脈硬化や脳・心臓・腎臓などの臓器障害を確認することも重要である。高血圧の患者は、降圧薬を適切に服用するとともに、食塩摂取の制限、減量、適度な有酸素運動、禁煙、節酒などの生活習慣の改善に心がける必要がある。Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD), such as stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Variability of blood pressure has been known to be closely related to the prognosis of hypertensive patients. The addition of self-measured home blood pressure monitoring to conventional clinic measurement for defining blood pressure status has been recommended, because diurnal variability of blood pressure, white-coat hypertension, masked hypertension and morning rise of blood pressure can be assessed by the two different methods of blood pressure monitoring. Atherosclerosis and target organ damage due to hypertension occurring in major organs (brain, heart, kidneys) should be also detected. Dietary and lifestyle modifications, including salt restriction, weight control, aerobic exercise, smoking cessation and moderate amounts of alcohol drinking can improve blood pressure control and decrease the risk of CVD, although antihypertensive drug treatment is often necessary

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