Home Swimming Pool Design to Improve Diving Safety


This study sought to establish home swimming pool design guidelines to minimize risk of diving injury. Using a qualitative design, interviews with representatives of home pool companies were analyzed and common themes were determined. Pool company display centers and advertising materials were also examined. The typical in-ground fiberglass home pool was described by manufacturers as 8m in length, with a constant gradient of 0.9m to 1.8–2.0m deep. Comparisons between this profile and the underwater pathways of young adults in previous studies by the authors showed that, if the dives had been performed in this typical pool, impact would have occurred for some dives. Safety features such as depth markings and signage were absent from all pools. We concluded that recreational swimmers with limited diving skills are at risk of diving injury in the typical home swimming pool. Recommendations are provided of strategies that can be implemented by home pool owners to improve pool safety

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