字体に生じる偶然の一致 : 「JIS X0208」と他文献における字体の「暗合」と「衝突」


国立国語研究所The National Language Research Institute既存の漢字字体を改造したり,写し誤ったばあいや,新しい漢字を創作したつもりでも,過去に同じ字体が存在していることがある。これは,通時的に見れば伝承関係があったかのように見え,「国字」「国訓」の区別,「異体字」「誤字体」の差異や「多義字」の問題にも関連する事象である。本稿では,転記された際に字体に変化が生じた例として,筆者が究明した「JIS X0208」に含まれる「堽」以下の10字を取り上げる。それら当時一般の漢和辞典に載っていなかった字について,「JIS X0208」の引用元資料とは関係をもたないそれ以前の諸文献に,字体が偶然に一致する用例を探索し,偶然の一致がどの程度発生するのかを確認する。用例を,(1)同一音義の字が個別的な発生・変化により結果的に同じ字体となる「暗合」と,(2)音義が異なる二つの字が個別的な発生・変化により同じ字体となる「衝突」とに分類する。10字すべてに字体上の偶然の一致は見つかり,高い割合で発生することが判明した。暗合が6字,衝突が8字,そのうち暗合,衝突ともに確認される字が4字存在した。暗合は字体の創作や変化に一定の傾向が存することを示す。衝突は,字を創作したり,誤記したばあいでも,字体の衝突は避けがたいことを反映し,多義字や国訓の一因とみられる。When some extant jitai (character forms) of kanji are transformed or mis-reproduced, or when some new kanji are created, it sometimes happens that identical jitai already existed in the past. It is necessary to examine the actual conditions in which this occurs, since this phenomenon concerns the distinction between kokuji (kanji created in Japan) and kokkun (use of kanji to express Japanese words unrelated to the original meaning), which has traditionally been discussed in the field of kanji studies, and the differences between itaiji and erroneous jitai, as well as the issues of polysemous kanji. This article discusses ten kanji found in the JIS X0208 standard which turned up in the course of my research: 堽妛挧暃椢椦槞橸袮閠. These serve as examples of kanji whose jitai were transformed when they were transcribed for coding as part of the JIS character set. My research identifies some cases in which the respective jitai of these kanji, which did not appear in any prevailing kanwa-jiten at that time, happen to appear in several preceding documents having no direct or indirect relation to the original sources on which the JIS X0208 standard was based. The purpose of this study is to show how often a coincidence of jitai emerges. Furthermore, this research examines some causes of the emergence of coincidence by classifying the examples into two types: (1) coincidence: jitai representing the same kanji have been independently transformed and happen to result in identical jitai; (2) clash: two distinct kanji with different meanings eventually develop into the same jitai. As a result, identical jitai are found for all of the ten kanji in this study. It becomes clear that, whereas six coincidences and eight clashes emerge out of the ten cases studied here, four jitai appear to be involved in both phenomena. As coincidence is a phenomenon which repeatedly emerges by analogy in the course of recognition and reproduction of the respective jitai, it shows a particular pattern that occurs in their creation and transformation. That is one of the reasons why people commonly use erroneous jitai, and why some itaiji are established. On the other hand, clashes of jitai can be proved to be inevitable in most cases when kanji are created or mistranscribed. In consequence, the varieties of jitai are revealed to be restricted to some extent

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