19世紀末の韓国語における日本製漢語 : 日韓同形漢語の視点から


東京都立大学大学院Tokyo Metropolitan University現代韓国語において,日韓同形漢語が多いことの理由の一つに,近代以降,多量の日本製漢語が韓国語に取り入れられたことがあげられている。しかし,近代語におけるその実態は明らかにされていない。本稿は,日韓語彙交流史の19世紀末に焦点をあて,同形漢語や日本製漢語の実態を調査したものである。1895・6年の『国民小学読本』(近代最初の国語教科書)と,『独立新聞』(近代最初の民間新聞)における漢語(3621語)のうち,同時期の日本語の資料に見られる同形漢語は,2393語で66,0%を占めている。そのうち,同義である2290語の各語において中国・日本・韓国の資料を調べ,それぞれの用例の有無を確認し,出自の判断を行った。その結果,日本製漢語と思われる語は,229語であり,10%を占めていることが明らかになった。Although previous researchers have noted that forms of Kango (words borrowed from Chinese) which are the same in modern Korean and Japanese derive from Nihonkango (words created from Chinese words in Japan) which were adopted into Korean from Japanese, but there has been little research on how this actually came about. In this paper I investigate the frequency in use of Kango and Nihonkango when Nihonkango were introduced in to Korean for the first time. Based on an analysis of the first textbooks (Kokumin shogaku dokuhon) and newspapers (Dokuritsu shimbun) issued from 1895 to 1986, I found that ; 66.0% (2393 words) of the total 3621 Kango words used in these textbooks and newspapers were the same forms of Kango as those used in Japan at that time. I validated the usage of 2290 words with the same meaning in various materials in China, Japan and Korea, and found that 10% (229 words) of these words were Nihonkango at that time. These results suggest that there is a need for a more detailed factor analysis in order to understand the close relations between Kango and Nihonkango in Japan and Korea in the late 19th century

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