A stylistic analysis of W. Shasha's Zihlabana nje Ziyalamba


This study concentrates on the examination of the stylistic techniques employed by Welile Shasha in his poetry that is contained in Zihlabana Nje Ziyalamba (1992). It comprises six chapters as follows: Chapter One introduces the study by setting out the basic guidelines to be followed in the study. It does so by highlighting its aim, method of research, scope of the work, explaining the concept of style, significance of the study and providing the biographical outline of Welile Shasha. Chapter Two is an overview of the theoretical framework (Literary Stylistics) which is used to guide the analysis of Shasha’s poetry. Chapter Three deals with stylistic techniques that determine imagery as it is used in Shasha’s poetry. These techniques include simile, metaphor, personification, symbolism and hyperbole. Chapter Four concentrates on the idiomatic expressions employed by the poet. These expressions include idioms, proverbs and ideophones. Chapter Five focuses on repetitive stylistic techniques such as alliteration, linking, parallelism and refrains, as they are used in Shasha’s poetry. Chapter Six is the conclusion of the study where the summary of the study, evaluation and recommendations are included.Dr. Z. Mtuman

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