教育ODAの実施過程分析 : インドネシア初中等理数科教育拡充計画の事例研究


本稿は,基礎教育ODAの事例としてJICAによるインドネシア初中等理数科教育拡充計画(IMSTEP)を取り上げ,アクション・リサーチの手法を用いつつその実施過程に関して分析を行なう.分析方法としては,インターフェイス分析を用い,より具体的には,(1)IMSTEPに関連する組織や要員の間で意思疎通について発生した問題状況,(2)その解決に向けて払われた努力について,検討を行う.分析の対象は,(1)前期中等教育局との,財政措置と事業結果普及に関する交渉過程,(2)IMSTEP対象3大学の経営級の連絡・調整,(3)評価活動の業務実施過程とする.この事例から得られる教訓として,文脈を共有しあう「場」が重要であること,事業体には関連機関に対する中間項として調整機能を果たすべきであること,また絶えず事業進捗を関係者共同で反省し,具体的な中間目標を設定する機会を持つことが重要であることことが得られた.The present paper attempts to conduct a case study to analyse the implementation process of the Indonesian Mathematics and Science Education Project (IMSTEP) through action research, as an example of the basic educational official development assistance (ODA) project in Japan. The data was collected through action research from October 2003 to September 2005, as well as through interviews and various internal reports. An interface analysis will be employed to understand the interest of, conflicting situations among, and attempts to overcome such situations by the related organisations and actors. The analysis focuses on (1) a series of negotiations with the Directorate of Lower Secondary Education for their future funding and involvement in the dissemination of project results, (2) coordination processes among the three recipient universities at the management level and (3) the execution process of the task force for evaluation. The results of the analysis gave rise to three findings: (1) the importance of the opportunities provided by the project to share the contexts in related organisations and.to consult with each other, (2) the necessity for the project to function as a mediator among related Indonesian institutions and organisations and (3) the need for members to have a continuous reflection regarding the progress of the project and to set up intermediate and operational goals for the purpose of achieving the goals of the project, which were defined prior to the functioning of the organisation

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