Metabolites in the shoot and root identified by LC-MS under sole nitrate, 75/25 nitrate and ammonium ratio supply, and sole ammonium supply in 12d for maize (Zhengdan 958) seedlings in hydroponic condition.


Metabolites in the shoot and root identified by LC-MS under sole nitrate, 75/25 nitrate and ammonium ratio supply, and sole ammonium supply in 12d for maize (Zhengdan 958) seedlings in hydroponic condition. Using the R (V3.3.2) XCMS package to identify peaks identification, peaks filtration, peaks alignment. In among, the main parameters are bw=5, ppm=15, peakwidth=c(10,120), mzwid=0.015, mzdiff=0.01, method=”centWave”. Obtain a data matrix including information such as“mass to charge ration, m/z”, retention time and intensity. In among, positive ion mode obtains 16068 precursor molecules and negative ion mode obtains 5259 precursor molecules for each N forms. The data was exported to excel for subsequent analysis. SCK, ST1 and ST2 indicate the metabolites in the shoot of sole nitrate supply, mixed N supply and sole ammonium supply in 12d, respectively. RCK, RT1 and RT2 indicate the metabolites in the root of sole nitrate supply, mixed N supply and sole ammonium supply in 12d, respectively

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