The Gap between the Hospitality Education and Hospitality Industry


Hospitality graduates in Ghana face many challenges when finding job in today’s competitive market. The aim of   this research seeks to find out if graduates meet the expectation of potential companies as well as the cause of gap that exist between training of students in hospitality and the expectations of the potential companies. The objective of the study was achieved by the use of questionnaire and interviews. The respondents were educators, students and managers of hotels. The findings indicated that there are differences in what education offers and what industry demands. Hospitality education is primarily concerned with professional preparation of the individual who desire to work in any of the broad group of professions that make up the hospitality industry.   As a field of multidisciplinary study which brings the perspective of many disciplines to bear, hospitality education needs a well structured curriculum. Keywords: Needs of the industry, Competitive job market, Hospitality education, Practical training, Graduate expectatio

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