Impact of Training and Develiopment on Employee Performance: A Case of Banking Sector of Pakistan


This study major objective was to examine the impact of training and development on employee’s performance. Employees are main resource of whole organization. Employees play the key role in an organization. The achievement of organization success is depends on employee performance. Training is one of most essential tool of HRM to enhance employee’s productivity and efficiency. This study is quantitative in nature. This research analyzed the four hypotheses, by using the sampling techniques in which I was selecting 200 employees of bank sector of Karachi, Pakistan. For examining the data I applied correlation and regression test on SPSS software. Descriptive statistics technique SPSS were applied on the questionnaire to examine the accuracy and authenticity of data.  The data collected through primary source that are from questionnaires and surveys. The finding proves that: There is positive link between training/development and employee performance. The study suggests that organizations should arrange training programs to their employees as a regular activity and develop their skills

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