Behavioral Measurement of Young Generation towards Brand Products in Saudi Arabia: Al- Hassa Case Study


Brand products are rapidly prevailing in developed countries. The behavioral measurement and attitude among young generation is vital to understand in order to make a good marketing plan. This paper highlights the behavioral measurement of young generation towards brand products. It specifically measures  demographic variables ( age, gender, income, social status, education, employment status, friendship effect and price) towards the brand products. Methodology used is the quantitative method which is a self-administrated questionnaire  with 170 responses from the online/paper filling survey participation. SPSS is the software tool used for the statistical analysis to test the suggested hypothesis. Results showed that the price of well-known brand products affects the purchase process negatively. Although young people are interested in purchasing brand products, their low income prevents them from the buying process while they are considered as a major segmentation for brand names. Keywords: Young generation, Brand products, Al-Hass

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