The Most Significant Modifiable and non-Modifiable Factors Associated among Patients Whom Previously Diagnosed with Prediabetes and Developed to Type Two Diabetes Mellitus Attending to Endocrine Clinic in all Hail Governmental Hospitals


The purpose of study to evaluate the Most significant Modifiable Factor Associated With Patients Previously Diagnosed with Prediabetes and Developed to T2DM in all Hail region,, because 38% of Saudi people with or at risk of diabetes mellitus and the Saudi Arabia Kingdom occupied the first position in middle east and north Africa proportion of DM with and the number may extended. 43, 45 also Hail and Tabouk became the highest proportion of DM in KSA followed by Riyadh and Medina. Method: Quantitative, non-experimental descriptive corelational design, because the study wants to indentify empirical relationship between causal and effect on the time and describe the relationship without explains the mechanism. Result: The most significant modifiable factor develop prediabetes to T2DM is increasing the body mass index more than normal, physical activity and total cholesterol plays also an important role to develop also prediabetes, and finally large portion of obese patients and patient how is physically inactive; cannot control of blood glucose level  which reflect my significant of study Hail City and Tabouk considered the highest two city of incidence of Type2 DM and these two city and others cities in same country make Saudi Arabia populations are the highest country with patient diagnosed of T2DM in middle east and north AfricaConclusion: our study found that support our hypothesis ( Modifiable factor -includes body mass index, cholesterol level and physical activity - for patients previously diagnosed with prediabetes increases the risk of type two diabetes mellitus) Keywords: type two diabetes, pre-diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, smoking, body mass index, physical activit

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