Women’s Participation and Representation in Nigerian Politics: Observations from the 2015 General Elections


The paper investigates the conceptual and material bases of women’s exclusion from the formal arena in politics. It discusses the structural barriers within formal institutions, strategies to promote women’s political participation and representation adopted around the world, and identifies internal and external conditions that have both facilitated and hindered women’s political empowerment in Nigeria. Despite their numbers, politics remain an area in public life solely dominated by men. Faced with structural and financial barriers, the paper argues that there is a deeper need to change attitudes and relationships at many levels, including making women’s as well as men’s interests integral to the design of programmes in all political, spheres. Keywords: Women in politics. Political parties. Elections. Sustainable development. Political participation. Political representation. DOI: 10.7176/JAAS/53-03 Publication date:March 31st 201

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