Analysis of Constraints Faced by the Agro-Tech Teachers in Poonch Division, AJK


Agro-tech teachers are generally educated in agriculture and well trained in communication skills, social contacts and behaviorism. They have duties in both teaching sector as well as in social sector. They are the effective channel of extension educational messages to the people. The research study was designed to study the analyses of constraints faced by agro-tech teachers in promoting agriculture in Poonch division of Azad Jamu and Kashmir which consists of four districts. In four districts, 71 agro-tech teachers are working in 55 institutes from which a total of 50 agro-tech teachers were selected randomly. The data was collected with the help of pre-tested, validated and reliable interview schedule. The study was conducted to analyze the constraints faced by agro-tech teachers. The data were analyzed by using the percentages and Pearson correlation coefficient test. Results of the study showed that the education level of the senior agro-tech teachers was better than junior agro-tech teachers from which 54.17% were B.Sc.(Hons) and about 25% had one year diploma in agriculture. Results showed that Agro-tech teachers 68% were of the view that they have low salary, 72% thought political involvement is a problem in promotion and transfer and 60% thought that they had no right to claim TA/DA in their department. There were some constraints which may have their effects on the efficiency of the respondents which also taken into consideration, like the physical (constraints), social (constraints), administrative (constraints), professional (constraints), and economical (constraints) and political factors (constraints). These agro-tech teachers faced these constraints in a massive way,every respondent has a fear of transfer on political grounds regarding the transfers of the respondents 68.75% were mostly made by political influence or under the pressure of influential personalities. There was enough political influence and favoritism involved in the case of promotion and in granting any reward. 70% respondents were not contented with their pay and other facilities provided to them in the response of their services. Highly qualified agro-tech teachers faced less constraints as compared to others, more experienced agro-tech teachers faced fewer constraints as compared to low experienced agro-tech teachers, Junior agro-tech teachers faced more constraints as compared to senior agro-tech teachers, Agro-tech teachers who spend more time in the field were facing more constraints as compared to those agro-tech teachers who spent less time in the field. Social status of the agro-tech teachers’ needs to be improved by providing various facilities, i.e. travelling and daily allowance, Political involvement in promotion and transfer should be totally discouraged. These should be purely on merit basis and according to prevailing service rules. Junior agro-tech teachers should be encouraged by giving facilities in the form of increasing salary, TA/DA and other benefits. It is also recommended that political involvement should be abolished from the education department and salary should be increased according to price hike (escalation in price). Keywords: Agric. Extension, Agro-tech teachers, Poonch division, AJK, Constraints, political.

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