The Rising of a New Dawn in Africa: An Introduction to the African Continental Free Trade Area


There is a rising of a new dawn in African trade. The trade pattern of this region is set to change by the introduction of the African Continental Free Trade Area. This legal trade agreement moved by the African Union seeks to increase Intra - African Trade by creating a single market and allowing a free flow of people and goods has been postulated to curb the abnormality of ascending trading figures among African countries with countries from other continents as compared to the abysmal figures of trade among African countries. This academic piece seeks to unveil the African Continental Free Trade Area by highlighting its constituents, major strengths, challenges, expected impact and what it means for the international trading community. This academic piece seeks to present a simplified introduction to this agreement. Keywords: Intra - Africa, Trade agreement, Single market and Sustainable development. DOI: 10.7176/JAAS/54-08 Publication date: April 30th 201

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