Enhancement Rheological and Electrical Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol by adding Methyl Cellulose


In this study the effect of methyl cellulose on the properties of aqueous solutions including density, viscosity and electrical conductivity have been investigated at (293K.), different type of viscosity and electrical properties were measured for polyvinyl alcohol dissolved in distilled water of different concentrations (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.6%, 0.7% and 0.8%)gm./ml  before and after adding (1and 2 ) gm. of methyl cellulose for all concentrations. The shear viscosity, relative viscosity, specific viscosity, reduced viscosity, intrinsic viscosity and Viscosity Average Molecular weight  are measured, all the viscosities depend on density and concentration, The results show that all these properties are increasing with the increase of the polymer concentration before and after adding MC , Results also shows that adding MC polymer to PVA enhances the conductivity, the conductivity measured at room temperature (293 K.), then the molar conductivity and degree of dissociation were calculated and it depending on the values of density, concentration and type of solute_ solvent . Keywords: Polyvinyl Alcohol solution, Methyl cellulose solution, Rheological properties, Electrical properties

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