Effect of Implementing Central line Bundle on Minimizing Rate of Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLA-BSI) among Intensive Care Patients


Central line-associated blood stream infection (CLA-BSI) are one  of the most common hospital acquired infections . This study aims assessment the effect of implementing central line bundle  on minimizing rate of  central line associated blood stream infection among intensive care patients. A quasi - experimental design were used in this study. The present study was conducted in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at  Zagazig University Hospitals. The study subjects includes two groups Group I, consisted of all nurses provided direct nursing care for patient during insertion, caring and removal of central lines and group two, patients, 40 patients received routine nursing care for caring central line (control group )Group II, includes 40 patients received central line bundle based on guideline of center for disease control and prevention(study group). Tools of the study consist of three tools, the first tool was patient devolvement assessment form:- for assessment of central line associated blood stream infection  devolvement, the second tool  was a structured observational checklist while ,third tool was central line bundle. The study findings concluded, Implementation of central line bundle minimize rate of CLA-BSI compared to routine care of central line. The study recommended, empowering  nursing to enforce use of a central line bundle  to be sure all processes related to central line placement are executed for each line placement . Keywords: Central line bundle - Intensive care unit – patient

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