Evaluate of Static Information Visible in Online Newspapers


According to recent online newspapers strategy to increase audience' trust in receiving involved facts and provide the opportunities to lead readers by reaching access at a huge number of points and facilitate browsing.There are many attempts to increase the interest of audience to the online newspapers by offering different static visible styles to interpret information. This research paper aims to introduce a brief consideration of online newspapers and data-driven journalism, also to perceive information static visible styles according to data visualization and information graphics, depending on data volume and regardless type of contents.Employs descriptive and analytically approach to unfold the current trends to Information visible of the globe online newspapers and find that by gathering samples from world online newspapers to explore the processing methods to present information visible.As a result, it has found several styles to use a static visual information of journalism data in the online newspapers, due to the quantity and characteristics of data and information.Concludes with the recommendation that static information visible should take obvious steps to increase the usage of the online newspapers by their intended audience. Keywords: Information Visible, Online Newspaper, Data Driven, Data Visualizations Tools, Information graphic Styles

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