The Impact of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction on the ITL of Academicians in HEIs of Developing Countries like Pakistan


Academicians are the role model of the system, accountable for producing specialized workforce for the poverty reduction and economic growth of any country. In the background of the developing countries like Pakistan, this role becomes more prominent. In this “Review Article” we endeavor to explore the consequences of organizational commitment and job satisfaction on intention to leave (ITL) of academicians in Higher Educational institutions (HEIs) of Pakistan with a view to construct a ‘Research Model’ on the issue, grounded in the contemporary research. This article stated the effect of job related factors (pay, supervision, promotion, working condition, co-workers) on job satisfaction. It is acknowledged from the present study that organizational commitment and job satisfaction have depressing impact on intention to leave and negatively related to each other. The literature also explores the fact that job related issues do effect the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of the Academicians. Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Job Satisfaction, Factors of Job satisfaction, ITL, Public Sector Universities

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