The Effect of Nutrition on Immune System Review Paper


The most basic definition of immunity is the ability of the organism to resist the invasion of microorganisms and harmful substances. Blood plays an important role in immune development due to the presence of certain types of white blood cells in the blood and in some other tissues have the ability to eliminate strange organisms and destroy it as well the blood plasma contains antibodies made by certain immune cells to resist any strange proteins or any other substances linked to proteins, such proteins that stimulate the body tissues to form antibodies called antigen generators or antigens.Some objects work on precipitation these strange proteins to isolate them, so it called precipitins, while others work on the conglomerate of microorganisms or red blood cells. These are called agglutinins, while some act on neutralizing of toxins, called antitoxins.Immunizations are either natural immunity or innate immunity or acquired immunity. When the body resists the invasion of a particular species of microorganisms for the first time, it will have natural immunity, But the immunity acquired by the individual as a result of immunizations or vaccination of such microorganisms is known as acquired immunity, However, acquired immunity may be natural or artificial. The immunity generated in the individual an actual measles infection is known as naturally acquired immunity, but the immunity that is formed as a result of vaccinating the individual of typhoid or diphtheria vaccine is artificially acquired immunity (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).However, acquired immunity may be natural or artificial. The immunity generated in the individual following an actual measles infection is known as naturally acquired immunity (6). DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/90-06 Publication date:September 30th 201

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