Market Chain Analysis of Cassava in Wolaita Zone, Snnpr, Ethiopia.


This study aimed at identifying cassava Market actors and their functions, analyzing distribution of margins along cassava market actors. A survey was carried out on six randomly selected kebele administrations in Gassuba and Kindo Koysha Woreda of wolaita zone. Both primary and secondary sources of data were used to conduct this study. Primary data for this study were collected from 122 farmers, 48 traders and 23 consumers through application of appropriate sampling procedures and secondary data were obtained from written documents. Data were collected by using both close ended and open ended questionnaire through personal interview, group discussion, and key informant interview. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The market chain and margin analysis indicated that the  marketing and consumption, the major actors in the market chain are cassava producers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers, processors and consumers and about 89.43% of gross marketing margin in cassava market chain goes to cassava traders and producers earn about 10.57% of gross marketing margin. Therefore, policy initiatives aiming at increasing  training on post harvest loss, improving marketing information system  and extension service provisions are recommended to intervene on  the development of cassava value chain in the study area. Keywords: Market channel, market chain, market margin and market actor

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