Effect of Chlorella vulgaris Alcoholic Extract to Limit the Growth of (Staphylococcus aurous) That Couse Food Poison


The present study was planned to investigate and conducted to evaluate the antibacterial activities of the green algae crud extract of Chlorella vulgaris Staphylococcal food poisoning is a common cause of foodborne illness worldwide. The growth phases of algae were determined and the cultures were harvested at the end of logarithmic phase .The cultures of green algae gave 0.2gm/L. The lipid content of C. vulgaris cell was measured and it was 6.3% of dry weight then the fatty acids were analyzed using the high perform liquid chromatography HPLC technique system. The pathogenic bacteria was isolated and identified from different parts of body including swab from skin, expectorant of lung and from sputum of gum , then 5 different concentration of crude extract of alga C. vulgaris, 100%, 50%,25%,12.5% and 6.3% were tested against pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus .The resistance of bacterial isolates was examined against all algal extract concentrations. The results showed that Staphylococcus aureus was sensitive to 6.3% concentration of the crude extract of alga C. vulgaris which is the lowest concentration of the algal crude extract. The study concluded that microalgae especially fresh water algae represent a very important source for many active compounds and can be used as antimicrobial agents

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