The Creation of Barracuda Fish Based Meatball as Nutritious Food


Food product as the result of culinary product recently has already been done by culinary lovers to cultivate and utilize various ingredients either as basic ingredient or substitutional ingredient, either from plant food source or animal. To face the free market globalization, ASEAN Economy Community, business in culinary field also needs to be concerned by training the sellers of healthy food including meatball.  This matter will really help the government to increase the quality life of its inhabitants. By creating healthy food product design, it will increase the variety of food type which is available in this country.  Meatball which is familiar for Indonesian community as snack can be got easily to be consumed as cheap and fun snack. However, most of the meatball which is sold nowadays is still unhealthy.  Healthy meatball as optional choice for meatball culinary lovers who concern with the healhtiness, nutrition, and safety to be consumed. Keywords: meatball, food, healthy, nutritiou

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