An Investigation on the Preparation of Contaning Low Caloric Biscuits with Supplementation of Dietary Fiber


This research was conducted to find out the effect of wheat bran, rice bran, corboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) and guar gum supplementation on the quality of whole wheat flour biscuits. The proximate composition of whole wheat flour (WWF), wheat bran (WB) and rice bran (RB) were 9.0, 11.30, and 7.00 % moisture, 7.19, 12.61 and 14.80 % crude protein, 1.92, 3.79, and 2.29 % crude fat, 0.36, 4.78 and 9.96 % ash, 1.97, 12.7 and 14.2% crude fiber and 75.95, 67.52 and 65.95 %NFE respectively. Biscuits were prepared by adding this bran’s @ 4 to 8% and CMC and guar gum @ 0.14% in WWF. The samples were prepared as Bo (control), B1 96%WWF+4%WB, B2 92%WWF+8%WB, B3 96%WWF+4%RB, B4 92%WWF+8%RB, B5 96%WWF+4% WB + 0.14% CMC, B6 96%WWF+4% WB +0.14 % guar gum, B7 96%WWF+4% RB + 0.14 CMC and B8 96%WWF+4%RB +0.14% guar gum. The moisture content (%) increased in WB (from 2.71 to 2.87) and RB (from 2.69 to 2.78) supplemented biscuits, while decrease was recorded in CMC (from 2.82 to 2.62) and guar gum (from 2.69 to 2.58) respectively. Protein content (%) increased in WB (from 5.09 to 5.51) and RB (from 5.17 to 5.61) supplemented biscuits, while decrease was recorded in CMC (from 5.44 to 5.35) and guar gum (from 5.33 to 5.08) respectively. The NFE content (%) decreased in WB (from 65.39 to 59.0) and RB (66.74 to 66.09) supplemented biscuits, while it is increased in CMC (from 64.05 to 64.69) and guar gum (from 64.42 to 65.17) respectively. The moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, ash content and NFE were significantly (p<0.05) influenced by the level of supplementation. The physical analysis i.e. width and spread factor decreased by increasing the levels of bran, CMC and guar gum, while thickness increased by increasing levels of bran and decreased in CMC and guar gum supplementation. There was significant difference in the mean scores for sensory evaluation of the biscuit (p<0.05). Keywords: Wheat &Rice Bran, Biscuits, Quality, Supplementation, Chemical Evaluation

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