Impact of Fadama Project on Income and Productivity of Fadama Users in Okigwe Agricultural Zone of Imo State, Nigeria


The prevalent food shortage and food insecurity in Nigeria can largely be attributed to over dependence on oil. This problem has become a perennial one. It has led to increase in poverty level in the country. This is disheartening considering the fact that the country is endowed with enormous agricultural and human resources. This ugly situation has been of great concern to agricultural administrators, policy makers and agricultural development practitioners. This research sought to ascertain the impact of Fadama project on income and productivity of Fadama users. Two sets of interview schedules were used. One was administered on Fadama User and the other on Non- Fadama users. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. It was observed that Fadama users had mean output of 5158(kg) of cassava, 6456 (kg) of Yam. Non Fadama users had mean output of 1950 (kg) of Cassava, 3621 (kg) of Yam. Experts have highlighted the challenges confronting adequate food production to include; poor infrastructural base, low capacity utilization, capital constraint, technical know-how, labour and manpower constraint, as well as policy, environmental and cultural constraints. Keywords: Fadama; mean output; Productivit

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