Effects of Couple Stress and Porous Medium on Transient Magneto Peristaltic Flow


In this investigation we have analyzed the influence of a transverse magnetic field in the transient peristaltic transport through porous medium. This model is designed for computing the intestinal pressures during the movement of food bolus in the digestive system under magneto-hydro dynamic effects. we consider in the present article the transient magneto-fluid flow through a finite length channel by peristaltic pumping. Long wavelength(a ) and low Reynolds number approximations(Re β†’ 0) have been employed to reduce the governing equations from nonlinear to linear form and that enough to neglect inertial effects . Analytical approximate solution for axial velocity, transverse velocity , pressure gradient , local wall shear stress and volumetric flow rate are obtained for the non-dimensional equations subject to appropriate boundary conditions. This study is done through drawing many graphs by using the MATHEMATICA package. Keywords : Transient peristaltic flow , Pressure gradient , Local wall shear stressΒ  , Couple stress , Magnetic field , porous medium

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