Investigation of the Geotechnical Engineering Properties of Laterite as a Subgrade and Base Material for Road Constructions in Nigeria


This project is an in-depth investigation of the geotechnical engineering properties of subgrade and base soils used in the construction of Omolayo Road in Akobo Area of Lagelu local government, Oyo State, Nigeria. Subgrade samples were collected at chainages 0+000, 1+000, 2+000, 3+000 and 4+000 respectively at depths ranging 0.5m to 1.0m, while the base sample was collected from one of the heaps of laterite brought from the borrow-pit at Oluwo area along New Ife Express Road, Oyo State, Nigeria. The samples were subjected to the following laboratory tests; Particle (grain) size analysis, Atterberg limit test, Compaction test, California bearing ratio (CBR) test and Specific gravity test. The particle size analysis results showed that all samples, both subgrade and base were well graded since their Uniformity Coefficients were greater than 15. It further revealed that base sample were more plastic compared to subgrade samples since it has highest percentage of clay passing sieve no. 200 (75µm) i.e. 27.60%. This indicates that samples with high silt clay content are susceptible to volume changes when wet. The liquid limit and plastic index range from 24% to 48% and 2.7% to 25% respectively with base sample having the highest in both cases. This shows that base sample has high clay content and its load bearing capacity could be reduced when wet. The maximum dry densities ranged from 1.90mg/m3 to 2.19mg/m3 and Optimum moisture contents range from 5.4% to 14.2% respectively. The California bearing ratio is from 78% to 132% (unsoaked). The Specific gravity results ranged from 2.65 to 2.68. The samples were classified using AASHTO classification. The AASHTO system classified the subgrade samples as A-1-b and A-2-4 constituting 50% and 33.3% respectively, and base sample classified as A-2-7 constituting 16.6%. This shows the subgrade samples are excellent to good while base sample is fair to poor. Keywords: Laterite, subgrade, base, particle size analysis, atterberg limit, compaction test, California bearing ratio, Specific gravit

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