The Problems, Opportunities and Implications of Small Scale Irrigation for Livelihood Improvement in Ethiopia-A Review


This paper has reviewed the Ethiopian small scale irrigation on the basis of its importance, problems and opportunities, future development perspectives, and its implications to livelihood. Small-scale irrigation may have a considerable potential in improving rural livelihoods through employing different mechanisms into account. In Ethiopia, today small-scale irrigation is being promoted through giving highest priority for capacity-building in the study, design, and implementation of irrigation projects because of the associated benefits with it. Accordingly, the future opportunity is also bright in the country. However, small-scale irrigation is associated with certain problems of development that range from individual household’s biased attitudes to institutional arrangements. Therefore, redesigning of institutions, especially appropriate cost recovery mechanisms which contributes to the sustainable management of the irrigation scheme is compulsory work. Keywords: Livelihood; Small Scale Irrigation; Sustainable Management, Review, Ethiopi

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