Review on Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility in Aeronautical Radio communications Systems –Tanzania Case Study.


Electromagnetic interference (EMI) in communication systems is one of the major challenges which face the communication sector and is mainly caused by unwanted signals which can be characterized as noise. Due to this during communication system design stages, implementation phase and operation of communication link Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) measures are of great importance. EMC analysis provides important information for communication system designers, planners and operators which facilitate coexistence of different communication systems.  In past few years there is an increase in number of Frequency Modulation (FM) broadcasting radio stations in Tanzania which operates in frequency band adjacent to aeronautical communication facilities. The FM broadcasting stations causes interference to the aeronautical radio-communication systems hence posing a great risk to aircraft navigation safety.  This is mainly due to unavailability of guard band between the two systems and high power radiated by FM broadcasting stations. This paper addresses interference cases in Tanzania and analyzes the interference mechanism for each interference case. To facilitate this field measurement was conducted in Arusha, Iringa and Zanzibar and mitigation measures which will ensure compatibility are proposed. In paper we have proposed the use of corner plate antenna to mitigate interference caused by FM broadcasting systems. Keywords: EMI, EMC, FM, Interferenc

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