Location Based Spatial Query Processing In Wireless System


Location-based spatial queries (LBSQs) refer to spatial queries whose answers rely on the location of the inquirer.Efficient processing of LBSQs is of critical importance with the ever-increasing deployment and use of mobiletechnologies. Input of the system will be the radius of the region the center of which is the user current locationand the type of entity such as bank, malls etc. Output will consist of the user requested entities ranked in theincreasing distance. Our database will consist of all the entities with their type and geographic location. Ouralgorithm will find out all the locations within the specified region intended by the user. All these points will beused for firing the query along with the entity type to obtain a result set. Real time response due to the mobilenature of the user and the accuracy are considerable issues to be taken care of. Furthermore the air as mediapresents the issues for the abnormal connection loss and errorsKeywords: Spatial query, GPS

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