The Alignment of Currently in Use Grade Seven English Language Textbook, and Teachers’ Perspective Amid Educational Policy of Ethiopia on Curriculum Balance of Bloom’s Taxonomy


The main objective of the study was to investigate the inclusion levels of domains and sub domains of Bloom in the English language text book of grade seven and the two exams of the same subject from Selam primary school of North Wollo. To achieve the intended purpose, grade seven English text books, two English language final exams of Selam primary school, and grade seven English language teachers of Selam School were used as the data source. Thus, grade 7 English language text book had 12 units, and of these, three units from the text book were selected by employing random sampling technique. All activities and exercises were incorporated in the study via comprehensive sampling. To collect data from these sources, the researcher used documents, interview, and checklist. Then, the required data was collected accordingly. To analyze, the researcher employed percentage and frequency that used to know inclusion level of the domains in the two documents final exams and text book. Chi-square test also employed to investigate significance difference situated in the domains and sub domains of Bloom between the two documents. The data which collected via semi-structured interview also elaborated and narrated by using words and phrases. The finding of data analysis pointed out that the two documents were highly focused on the lower level of cognitive domain (knowledge and comprehension) by omitting out the other sub domains in the same manner. In addition to this, the perception of English language teacher from Selam primary school inclined greatly towards knowledge level of the cognitive domain. To conclude, the two  documents in addition to perspective of the English language teacher over dominated by knowledge and comprehension levels of cognitive domain which let students to be restricted as passively received what classroom teacher told and sucking knowledge from the sources. The researcher would also recommended as educational policies of Ethiopia such as ESDP V and GTP II give emphasis about inclusion of Blooms taxonomy in balanced way. To do so, text book evaluation considered as one strategy. Therefore, it is important to: Evaluate grade seven English language text book and amend it to include the three domains of Bloom proportionally; text book developer bodies like Amhara regional education bureau need to consider these domains and sub domains of Bloom while developing text books; universities and  teacher education colleges are required to work by considering these domains in training program of English language teachers. Keywords: Alignment, Bloom, Curriculum, Evaluation, Policy, Textboo

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