The Speech Function in Buru Folk Songs in Maluku Province


This research was supported by Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia as the organizer of BPPDN. Abstract The aims of this study were to find and describe (1) the declarative, (2) the expressive, (3) the commissive, (4) the directive, and (5) the assertive speech functions in the folk songs of Buru Island, Maluku Province.This research belonged to a descriptive qualitative study. The research data was in the form of folk song texts, informant statements, and facts in the research location. Data collection activities were carried out by observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and recording. The procedure of data analysis used  a spiral model proposed by Creswell, while the agih method was used to analyze the data. To avoid research bias, triangulation was carried out on each stage of research, research tools, and clarification of research findings to the informants as owners of the folk songs, Focus Group Discussion, and external audits. The findings of this study, namely the speech function in Buru folk songs were in the form of (1) declarative speech function prohibiting, (2) expressive speech functions praising, (3) commissive speech functions threatening, (4) speech function directive recommending, and (5) assertive speech function convincing.Theoretically, this study strengthens speech act theory because the findings of this study indicate that speech functions actualize narrative attitudes and styles. Practically, this finding is useful for universities that are related to teaching oral literature courses and pragmatic subjects. Keywords: folk songs, speech act, speech function, attitudes, styles. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/9-4-0

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