Betuturu Story and Social Practices of Marriage in Serawai Ethnic Groups of Bengkulu


This paper is intended to discuss the plot and content of the Betururu oral story in relation to marriage custom, and to discuss the narrative of the story in relation to the maintenance of social function of the ketua adat in the marriage practices in Serawai ethnic groups in Bengkulu. In this discussion the Betuturu story seen as a symbolic sign that used intentionally to convey knowledge in social communication. This story living in a very limited environment, spoken at a certain time with a certain audience anyway. From the data available, it can be concluded that the parts and episodes of this story symbolizes knowledge and principles which its manifestation can be found in the actions during a marriage social practices of Serawai ethnic groups in Bengkulu. Part [B] episode [B2], [B3] and [B4] of the story symbolizes begadisan, berasan, and ngulang ghunut in a series of customary marriage. Part [A] episodes [A1] and [A2] symbolizes the principles of adat kulo in the practice of marriage. The storytelling tradition of Betuturu which is limited and closed indicating the maintenance of ketua adat access on marriage and their authority over the legality of the social actions of Serawai ethnic individuals in the practice of marriage. Keywords: Betuturu story, marriage practice, Serawai ethnic group of Bengkulu

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