Women Participation in Politics and National Development


The contribution of women to the socio-economic and political development of any modern democratic state is essential and indispensable. This paper examines the extent of women participation in politics and national development in Nigeria. The study adopted secondary data as sources of information. The constraints of women participation in politics pose as hindrances to national development in Nigeria. It is discernible from this study that cultural, environmental and educational factors are major barriers to active women participation in politics. It is part of the objectives of this work to realize active women participation in National political life for a sustainable National development. Government at all levels should embark on enlightenment campaign to sensitize the public on the need for more women to embrace and pursue education as this is a catalyst for active women participation in politics. It is also recommended that coercive legislations should be made at all levels against every form of discrimination against women. Keywords: participation, politics, National development. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/9-7-03 Publication date: August 31st 201

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