Exegetical Survey of John 13:1-17: Implication of Jesus’ Servant Leadership Model for the Church and Nigerian Society


Leadership in Nigeria across ecclesiastical and societal strata had over the years proved to be a game of the hawks and kittens through radical and arbitrary expression of power and authority. All who had played host to the power equation among the leadership in Nigeria had exhibited leadership mentality that had been anchored on that of tribalism, feudalism, dictatorship, and nepotism. These indices invariably had been obvious in the church leadership wherein the leadership had lord it over God’s heritage. This abnormality in the nation leadership has affected negatively the psyche of average Nigerians. Consequently the National as well as international image of the Nigeria had been dragged to the mud. This paper in a vivid lucidity examined through critical biblical exegesis, Jesus’ model of exemplary as well as servant leadership from John Gospel 13:1-17; unraveling its laudable lessons for the church and Nigerian society. Keywords: key words, exegesis, Jesus’ Servanthood, Jesus’ leadership mode

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