Tailoring History to Technology: The History Teacher’s Perspective.


This study examined History teachers’ perspectives on how History can be tailored to technology to make the subject more interesting. The study specifically sought to find out teachers’ perception of the use of technology, the extent of teachers’ use of technology in teaching, and challenges teachers face in using technology to teach History. The descriptive survey research design was used in this study. In all, 6 History teachers from three schools formed the sample size for the study. The instrument used to collect data was the interview guide. The main findings were that teachers have positive perceptions about the use of technology in teaching History but did not use technology frequently for instructional purposes. The study also revealed that teachers face the challenge of unavailability of technology resources, lack of enough time, and lack of motivation, in their attempt to use technology in class. It recommended that seminars should be organized for teachers for them to be exposed to the types of technologies and how to use them. Again, Ministry of Education should make technology resources available in schools, and also teachers should innovative and creative by using a variety of technologies in their lessons. Keywords: History, technology, teaching

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