Developing Public Library Services for the Virtually Impaired in Delta State: Adaptive Technology to the Rescue


The paper examined the need to develop public libraries services for virtually impaired persons in Delta state. The relevance of adaptive technology in public libraries for these categories of persons cannot be underestimated.  Library and information services available to the visually impaired people through adaptive technology were discussed. Adaptive technology as a tool for enhancing public library services and the rationale for its use were also discussed. The researchers also highlighted the constraints facing public libraries in the use of these technologies in Delta state and Nigeria in general. Recognizing the potentials of adaptive technology, the paper concluded by pointing to the fact that what is needed is to ensure an all inclusive services to all irrespective of visibility. ICT and its related technologies in public library services should be embraced in all the branches of public libraries in Delta state. Library policy statement should be translated to reality, hence the library board should be well funded and given power to monitor the development of branch libraries. Key words: Developing, Public Library, Library Services, Virtually Impaired, Adaptive Technology and Rescu

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