Job Creation and Economic Empowerment through Business Education


Despite the fact that the country has being operating business education system for years; the desires and aspirations of the government and people of Nigeria have remained a mirage. This is with reference to unemployment reduction, job creation, poverty reduction, and self-reliance motive of the government. Further, business education has been included in the curricula of tertiary institutions in Nigeria and yet the situation has not changed. It is in the light of this obvious problem and the imminent danger to the society compounded by the present global economic meltdown that this paper is canvassing for skill oriented and practical based in secondary and tertiary institutions in Nigeria. This is different from the presently mounted business education in tertiary institutions which lacked practical components, not goal oriented (theory as usual) and therefore impotent. This paper examine the important of fully implementation of business education with recommendation that government must therefore wake up from slumber and implement business education as measures to create jobs, an instrument for change/development and a provider of service oriented skills which play a significant role in economic development or at least opportunities so that younger persons can be economically empowered to become self employed and not allowed to be deceived by reactionary forces or use them as agents of societal destruction. Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Job Creation, Business Education and Nigeria

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