Information and Communication Technology in Textile Engineering College Libraries of Haryana, India


At present application of information and communication technologies (ICT) has become gradually more important in textile college libraries. In the digital age endurance of libraries lacking ICT is in risk. The paper describes the current position of textile libraries in ICT environment in Haryana state. It explains the indication of available ICT infrastructure and e- resources with these libraries. The data collected with the help of questionnaire have been interpreted and output results have given in this paper. Both institutes libraries are making an endeavor to do well in collection development, services, and infrastructure. Both the institute have the well ICT infrastructure in their library and giving more importance to different aspect of ICT such as internet, e-mail, online journals etc. Keeping in the view of better internet facility both the libraries have the Wi-Fi connectivity library campus. Both the librarians expressed that their individual initiatives lead them for automation. Keywords: Library automation, Networking; Internet, PIET, TIT

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