Problem Faced by Under Training Teachers and Their Solutions in Govt. Universities of Karachi


The current problems faced by under training teachers in government universities of Karachi has been investigated in this study. The study lies under the category of quantitative method as the quantitative data has been presented in a form of figures leading to some facts which has assisted the research to get precise results. The pattern of the article follows four major divisions. These divisions can be classified in a way that first division comprises of first two parts, i.e. introduction and significance of the study. Second division also comprises of two parts, i.e. the Hypothesizes and objectives of the study. Third division is the definition of some terms with respect to the study. Fourth division comprises of the methodology that has been applied through out the research. Then the fifth and final division is about the discussion and the last part comprises of conclusion from this study. Questionnaire has been used as the data collecting instrument. Considered population was the student teachers enrolled in different courses in government universities of Karachi. For statistical analysis of the data SPSS has been used to get more accurate findings. With respect to the findings, the conclusion has been made that teachers’ education department in government universities of Karachi are in a strong need of rapid changes, which can help to enhance the quality of training quality by overcoming the current issues. Keywords: Training Teachers, Pakistan, Govt. Universities DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-5-07 Publication date:May 31st 201

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