Women Rights Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes


The concept of social justice, like law, changes. It evolves itself into progressively new patterns and expands its frontiers and assumes new dimensions. Social justice has significance in the context of Indian society which is divided into Castes and Communities and they create walls and barriers of exclusiveness on the basis of superiority and inferiority such inequalities pose serious threat to Indian democracy. The concept of social justice takes within its sweep the objective of removing inequalities and affording equal opportunities to all citizens in social, economic and political affairs. India, while passing through the process of development is in the quest for finding our ways for a better and just socio-economic order. The search for a new model of socio-economic order is the need of the hour. Recent trends in Globalization, Urbanization, Mobilization of the poor in search of better life conditions and social justice movements compel us to think afresh.   Social justice Women Social justice is an application of the concept of distributive justice to the wealth, assets, privileges and advantages that accumulate within a society or state because the essence of justice is the attainment of the common goods as distinguished from the goods of individuals even of the majority. There have been two major conceptions of social justice one embodying the nation of merit and desert, the other those of needs and equality. The first conception involves ending of hereditary privileges and an open society in which people have the chance to display their desert. It is expressed in equality of opportunity and careers open to talents. The second conception implies that goods should be allocated according in each person’s varied needs. As it aims to make people materially equal, it entails an idea if equality.[i] [i] Surendrasingh Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Contribution to Social Justice (ed). By Prof. M. Shabbir, Rawat pub. Jaypur, 2005, P.78

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