Simulating an Integrated Smart Lighting Control of Ahmadu Bello Stadium, Kaduna Nigeria, with a View of Optimizing Energy Consumption


The reductions of unnecessary energy used in buildings have continuously been a global concern. The amounts of energy consumed in lighting a stadium main bowl have posed great challenge on as to how this waste could be drastically reduced. Also, there is a dart of information or data in Nigeria as regards aspects of minimizing lighting energy consumption in a stadium using simulation. This study has employed the use of energy meter and light lux portable device to gather field data on lighting energy consumption as well as the illuminances levels around the stadium. The study also uses a state-of-art lighting simulation software known as DialuxEvo software in modelling the stadium main bowl lighting to optimize energy use. The study discovered that an average of about 400 litres of diesel is consumed on each match when the generator is fully loaded with an average of about 4339.2Kw consumed by the 240 numbers of 2000Kw lamps each within 3 ½ hours match play. The existing lamps provides an average illuminance of 1703lux with a uniformity ratio of U1 (Emin/Emav) as 0.56 while U2 (Emin/Emav) as 0.82 using a 100 watts lamp with a SON gear luminaire. The result therefore showed that the existing lighting design for the stadium main bowl was inadequate and inefficient with lots of opportunity for energy savings. Hence, the lighting fittings should be retrofitted. The revamped lighting fittings should be installed at optimum angle in other to properly illuminate the stadium. Therefore, a proper consideration of the provided guide by The Society for Light and Lighting in the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineering should be parameter and adhered to

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