Effect of NaI doping on same physical characteristic of (PVA)0.9-(KHSO4)0.1 composite films


Electrolyte composite films of Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)0.9 filled with potassium hydrogen sulfate (KHSO4)0.1 with different concentration of sodium iodide (NaI) were prepared using solution caste technique. The absorption spectral analysis data were carred for the samples to determine the influence of NaI contents, the obtained data showed that the direct allowed optical energy gap of the films decreases from  to  with increasing NaI contents up to  weight. Furthermore, in order to understand the behavior of electrical conduction in these composite, the alternating electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity have been investigated for different concentration of NaI at temperature range  over the frequency ranging from  to . The electrical conductivity of the composite increased with increasing temperature and it obeys power law  in which s is in the range of . Keywords: Electrolyte composite, Optical constants, Dielectric constant, Energy gap, Electrical conductivity

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