Utilizing Seismic and Well Logging Techniques for Locating Hydrocarbon of Kabirwala Area Punjab Platform Pakistan


Nandpur Gas field is situated at a distance of 64 km near District Multan. It lies in Middle Indus Basin Punjab Platform, Pakistan. The structure is dipping at a gentle angle toward the NW-SE. Tectonically the area fall in extensional regime and is dominated by Normal faults, favorable for accumulation of hydrocarbon. The interpretation of Seismic lines, time contour map and depth contour map confirms the Graben structure and stratigraphic traps (Pinchouts) in the study area. The high zone present in the South Eastern part of the contour maps is possible location of hydrocarbon entrapment, which is further confirmed by the presence of the well Nandpur -02.The reservoir quality of the Samana Suk Formation was much better in terms of clean Sandstone, porosity, water saturation and permeability. We use seismic lines, a base map and well data of Nandpur-02 area which was obtained from Landmark Resources, Pakistan. For subsurface mapping, structural interpretation, synthetic seismogram generation of investigated area we used four dip and five strike lines. These seismic lines and well data are in digital format. The reservoir discrimination and modeling is carried out with the help of geophysical parameter. Keywords: Seismic Interpretation, Time and depth contour map, Generating Synthetic Seismogram, 3D view, Reservoir Estimatio

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