Effect of the Source of Sedimentation in the Mineralogical Composition of the Sand Fraction to Some Areas of the Southern Part of the Iraqi Alluvial Plain


This study was conducted to know the effect of the source of sedimentation in the mineralogical composition of sand fraction for some areas of the southern part of the Iraqi alluvial plain. The results of mineralogical composition of sand fraction showed that the dominant minerals, in the light part of sand fraction, were carbonate rock fragments , qurtz , chert , mudstone rock , feldspars , igeous and metamorphic rocks . While , the heavy part showed a similarities in terms of quality and differences in terms of quantity , with dominance of Opaque minerals followed by Staurolite , Kyanite , Rutile , and Tourmaline . In general, the results showed the low rates of the heavy metal group compared to the light metals group of the sand fraction resulting from weathering occurring in their moving places during transportation or after the deposition, this may be attributed to the nature of the mineralogical composition of the deposits material source. Keywords: sediments , minerals , sand fraction , Microscopic characteristics , optical of minerals , petrographic microscope , petrograph

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