Assessment of Post-Harvest Losses of Major Fruit Crops at East Gojjam Zone, Amhara Region


Ethiopia has suitable agro-ecology to grow both temperate and tropical fruit crops. However, fruit production activity is at infant stage in most parts of the country including in Northwestern Ethiopia and both small scale fruit producers and traders have very limited knowledge and skill on fruit production and postharvest handling practices. In this connection high amount of fruit is expected to be wasted due to several inappropriate production and postharvest handling practices.  Therefore, the objectives of this study were to assess fruit causes and extent of postharvest losses at Debre Markos.   The study was conducted in April 2017 using semi structured questionnaire. 150 respondents from Farmers, Retailer and Wholesaler were randomly selected among Debre markos and their surrounding fruit Farmers, Retailer and Wholesaler those operating in Debre markos city to obtain information on postharvest losses. The total postharvest loss of fruit at farmer, wholesale and retail level were found to be 24% of which the higher proportion of losses (35%) was observed at retail level while the loss at wholesale and farm levels were 14% and 21%, respectively. Very high losses were observed due to transportation, marketing and postharvest mishandling at market level   Therefore, multifaceted interventions such as capacity development, improved fruit production and harvesting practice, and proper storage and transportation facilities establishment are required to reduce postharvest loss and extend fruit shelf-life. Keywords: Post-harvest, Proximate analysis and wholeseller DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-1-0

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