Close Linkage Between Agriculture and Culture: Case of Bali Indonesia


Humans are part of natural ecosystems and are greatly dependent on the functioning of natural ecosystems. The Balinese people in meeting their needs depend on the effort to manage the natural environment through agricultural activities. The interaction between the people of Bali with the environment gave birth to the knowledge that eventually shapes the culture of Bali. Balinese culture is derived from agricultural culture. Traditional Balinese people have knowledge of agriculture inherited by their ancestors such as agricultural technology systems, community organizations, and religious ceremonies. Technology systems that exist in traditional farming systems such as irrigation systems, planting pattern arrangements, provision of seeds, control of pests and diseases, including post-harvest handling. This knowledge is generated based on the results of intensive interaction with the nature of Bali. A lot of local knowledge which is known as the "local wisdom" generated through this interaction and is part of Balinese culture. Local knowledge is growing and developing in general inspired by various Hindu religious values. Organization that works to support, preserve and develop local knowledge in the field of agriculture, especially related to the agricultural fields called "Subak" (traditional, social religious irrigation organization). The philosophy underlying the subak organization is “Tri Hita Karana” is the welfare generated by a harmonious relationship between man, nature and God. This philosophy was adopted into the culture of Bali and is applied in various aspects of life. Thus, agriculture is associated with many aspects of life, or in other words, agriculture has a close linkage with Balinese culture. This paper describes the multifunctional of agriculture in particular its close linkage with Balinese culture. Keywords: agriculture, Balinese culture, ecosyste

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