Adoption of Computerised Health Information System Focusing on Kenya’s Health Facilities


Although the benefits of information technology are clear adapting new information systems to health care has proven difficult globally and rates of use have been limited. With the challenge of inadequate health workers and low quality of service delivery, Information Communication Technology is essential to ensure availability of Information to multiple users and multiple settings. It is also important for Integration of variable types of data media, data legibility, reduced medical errors, complete and quality data. It also enable structured data entry, accurate calculation of processes, provision of tools for decision support and data based analysis. Although Kenya as a developing country has invested in Information Communication Technology with the aim of improving patient care, all indications have shown slow adoption of technology in healthcare industry. Therefore it is important to focus on means of hastening adoption of HIS in order to enhance service delivery in the health sector and hence effective service delivery for Kenyan people. Keywords: Adoption, Health Information Systems, ICT Infrastructure

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