Shelf-Life of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) as Infulenced by Different Rates of Hot Water and Dipping Duration at Wolaita Sodo, Southern Ethiopia


A laboratory experiment was conducted at wolaita Sodo University, horticulture laboratory during the 2013/2014 season, to evaluate the effects of hot water treatment on shelf life of mango. Treatments consists a combination of hot water at 50oc for five minutes, hot water at 50oc for ten minutes, hot water at 52oc for five minutes, hot water at 52oc for ten minutes and a control (washing with tap water only) laid out in Completely Randomized Design replicated three times. The mango variety known as Kent was used as a test crop. Results revealed that significant differences in peel color intensity when mango is treated at different hot water. It should be noted that mango treated at 520c for 10 minutes remained on the way break green color during the 3 days of storage. The longest shelf life extended up to 13 days under treatment hot water at 520c for 10 minutes. Weight loss of mango during a period of 12 days, showed that significant difference. The control showed the maximum weight loss but treatments (Hot water at 520c for 10 minute, hot water at 520c for 5 minutes and hot water at 520c for 10 minute) does not showed as such significant variation

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