Concerns Regarding Diabetes Mellitus among Adult Patients in Minia University Hospital


Background: Type II diabetes mellitus (DM) is a devastating chronic health illness bringing reasons for cessation of work and an increased attendance in emergency hospitals. Patients with type II DM badly need effective self-management for their illnesses which is enhanced through patients' success in solving their identified problems. The current study aimed to assess concerns of adult patients with DM in Minia City university hospital regarding their illness. Methods: A descriptive research design was utilized for the current study. All the available adult patients with type II DM meeting the inclusion criteria either admitted to or followed their diabetes at El- Mina university hospital within the  period between first of January to July 2013, were recruited to the current study (n=132). Data were collected by three instruments: a) structured interview questionnaire sheet, developed by the researchers, covered both patient's socio-demographic data and attitudes towards DM; b) insulin subcutaneous injection observational checklist adopted from (24) c) foot care observational checklist adopted from (25); both checklists were implemented by the researchers. Results: Results showed that, (24.2%) of the study sample were illiterate; (69.7 %) of the study sample were females where (51.5 %) of them were housewives. Also, (57.6 %) aged from 41 – 65 years with mean and standard deviation of 44.00 ± 12.79. Also, statistically significant differences were found between study sample's attitudes and their educational level, employment status, age, access to health facilities & crowding index. Significant differences were found between study sample's self-care health practices of DM employment status, income and access to health care services. Statistically significant difference was found between study sample's performance of foot care and their performance of insulin subcutaneous injection (P=0.001). No statistically significant differences were found between either inpatient or outpatients' attitudes and self-care health practices regarding DM. Conclusion: The majority of study sample had negative attitudes and unsatisfactory self-care practices regarding DM. Recommendations: Developing quality evidence-based clinical practice guidelines regarding management of DM for healthcare professionals whenever patient needs clarification. Key wards: Concerns, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Attitude, Self –Care Health Practices, Crowding Index.

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