Short-term response of Soil Physical properties of an Ultisol, and Nutrient composition of Fluted Pumpkin to Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer mixtures.


A field experiment was conducted at the Research Farm of Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu, Ebonyi State  to evaluate the influence of sole organo-minerals and inorganic fertilizer and mixed forms on some selected soil physical properties and leaf nutrient composition of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia Occidentalis Hook F). The treatments (T1 = Control; T2 = 10 t/ha of rice-husk dust; T3 = 10 t/ha rice husk ash; T4 = 10 t/ha poultry droppings; T5 = 0.375 t/ha of NPK fertilizer 15:15:15; T6 = 5 t/ha of rice husk dust + 5 t/ha of poultry dropping; T7 = 5 t/ha of rice husk dust + 0.188 t/ha NPK 15: 15: 15; T8 = 5 t/ha poultry dropping + 5 t/ha of rice husk ash; T9 = 5 t/ha rice husk ash + 0.38 t/ha of NPK 15:15:15) were built into a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Data on soil physical properties and leaf nutrient composition of fluted pumpkin`     were collected and subjected to statistical analysis using Genstat 3 7.2 Edition. The results obtained showed that soil bulk density was significantly reduced on soils treated with different amendment combinations of organo-minerals and inorganic fertilizer compared to the control which received no application of amendment. The soils total porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity and moisture content were improved when treated the soil with different amendment combinations compared to the control .More so, the results equally revealed that treatments application did statistically improve the leaf nutrient compositions. Key words: Amendments, Soil physical properties, organo-minerals, nutrient composition, fluted pumpkin

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